Shout it out!

  • 3 Mar 2025 12:10 PM | Brian Jud (Administrator)

    Bigger is not always better. Your book does not have to be hundreds of pages long for you to cover your topic effectively. Similarly, your sales literature and press releases should be only long enough to describe the benefits of your content and entice prospective buyers to make a purchase. Similarly, your answers to questions during your media performances should be brief and to the point. Be concise. Make every word count.

  • 24 Feb 2025 5:30 PM | Brian Jud (Administrator)

    When most people see a new idea they feel uncomfortable and have a natural, negative bias. Instead, think of the acronym PIN when you have a new idea. First make a Positive comment, then something Interesting, and if necessary make a Negative observation. And when making that observation, be “positively negative” by offering a twist that could make the idea potentially successful. An idea is like a round peg that will not fit into a square hole. It needs some re-shaping. What is positive about your latest “round” idea?

  • 19 Feb 2025 10:14 AM | Brian Jud (Administrator)

    When considering the places in which you will sell your books, first think about the people who will buy them and where they shop. Do they shop in supermarkets? Gift shops? Airport stores? Discount stores? Pet stores? That is where your books should be.

  • 17 Feb 2025 4:10 PM | Brian Jud (Administrator)

    Regularly I will post a book-marketing tip, usually with questions to stimulate your strategic thinking. Here is the first one: It took Thomas Edison more than 10,000 attempts to invent the light bulb. He said, “I have not failed. I finally ran out of things that wouldn’t work.” He succeeded because he persisted as he learned from his mistakes. What are the biggest errors you had in the past year? What did you learn? What opportunities did they create for you? What mistakes might you make on your current project? How can you use that information to help you reduce errors this year and sell more books?

  • 17 Dec 2023 3:19 PM | Robyn-Jay Bage (Administrator)

    We received a poem from one of our members. Thank you, Bobby R.!

    An Ole Time Christmas Tale

    Ole time Christmas

    in the hills

    And as the snow falls

    We snuggle up against the wi inter chills

    We hitch our strong

    Course to the sleigh

    And with sleigh bells ringing

    We're off and on our way

    And the snow flies

    Kicking up so

    In our Christmas mugs

    We share hot coco

    So CRACK Gettie up

    And as we dash along

    Christmas in the hills

    We celebrate singing a carol, a Christmas song.

  • 21 Sep 2023 10:56 AM | Robyn-Jay Bage (Administrator)

    Join us for a special online event presented by members of Connecticut Authors and Publishers Association, Inc.


    September 27, 2023


    Gain valuable information to help you succeed at bookselling events:

    • Preparing 
    • Promoting
    • Thriving

    Our panelists:

    Nancy D. Butler, CFP®, CDFA®, CLTC®, CSA®, has been a member of CAPA for over ten years. She has been very successfully self-employed for over 40 years and is currently a professional international speaker, award-winning author of three non-fiction books, business coach, and a Delegate to The United Nations for The Commission on The Status of Women.

    Karen Warfield is a founding member of "Music at Central" and the Norwich Historical Society. After leaving the US Army she worked for the Department of Defense. She co-edited The 9 Mile Square by Bill Stanley and also published  White Gloves in 2020. She has conducted writing workshops for the Mystic Noank Library and book discussions for the Norwich Senior Center and Otis Library. 

    Judy Ricketts-White is the owner, graphic/web designer/publisher at Ricketts-White Design and Mecate Press. Her work has won three APEX Awards for Publishing Excellence. She is the author of the Moonbeam Children’s Book Award winning “Slater Mountain” Book Series, fictional adventures for pre-teen and YA readers. Judy draws from her years of horse experience to combine fun and danger while weaving solid horse-handling principles and valuable life lessons into the stories. She is also the publisher of award winning books for other authors.

    Join us at 

    How to Succeed at Bookselling Events

    Wednesday, September 27 · 6:00 – 7:00pm

    Time zone: America/New_York

    Google Meet joining info

    Video link:

  • 17 Sep 2023 9:28 PM | Robyn-Jay Bage (Administrator)

    PARIS ALWAYS A GOOD IDEA-Bishops Corner Senior Center-

    15 Starkel Rd W.H.

    Tuesday September 19 

     6:30-8:00 p.m.

    A TALK ABOUT A LIFELONG DREAM OF SPENDING A MONTH IN PARIS. Diane Dickson, West Hartford Author, presents her book Dear Wallace: Meanderings of a Senior Solo Traveler, a narrative of the many places she visits and the people she meets. The event promises a lesson in taking a leap of faith and living in the present. Refreshments served - books to be signed-

    percentage of profits for neuroblastoma childhood Cancer and Juvenile Diabetes 1 research. 


  • 18 Apr 2023 1:50 PM | Robyn-Jay Bage (Administrator)
    Welcome to our new blog page. It's a space for CAPA members to share their thoughts, expertise and announcements. Let's look forward to it!
  • 18 Apr 2023 1:49 PM | Robyn-Jay Bage (Administrator)

    As an author, there will be opportunities to tell people about your book, perhaps potential readers. Or you may find yourself sitting at a conference with the editor of your first-choice small publisher. You may be participating in one of several online pitching forums like #IWSGpit#PBpit#PitDark, and more.

    Elevator Pitch

    Or, as the name implies, you luck into an elevator ride with the agent who presented at the workshop you just attended. What do you do? You give them your elevator pitch.

    An elevator pitch is not a tagline, which authors often have as part of their brand or their book's brand. It's not detailed, like a query. Instead, it's a high-quality, 30-second description of your book, which amounts to 80-100 words.

    Over the years (and after attending numerous workshops and reading a ridiculous number of books on the subject), I've learned there are three elements to a good pitch:

    The Hook This is the attention grabber. It should leave the person wanting to know more.

    Logline This is the who, what, where, when, and how. You may only need some of them.

    "What if...?" This is not a question you write out. Instead, it's the answer to the question and should ideally be a marketable idea (entirely dependent on your genre).

    This elevator pitch earned me 8 out of 8 requests for manuscripts and landed me a contract. It also won CAPA's pitch contest.

    An incubus and two toddlers walk into a bar… That's no joke. That's Cheyenne's life. You weren't supposed to see them. (Hook)

    Cheyenne, a half-human incubus, is good at keeping secrets. He conceals his career from his tyrannical father. His boyfriend doesn't know Cheyenne's true nature. And he hides his kids from the ruling family. (Logline)

    When his children are discovered, Cheyenne refuses to buy into the "your kids could save the race" madness. He only has to keep them safe. Besides, he's got bigger plans—he's going to be a rockstar. (What if..?)

    Nonfiction books, of course, are different. Your hook is the problem your book solves, written in a way that would be meaningful for someone with that problem. The logline is the solution to the problem. Finally, "What if" is replaced by a statement of support for your book--why you are credible, or what makes you the best person to offer a solution. Memoires tell a story, and so should follow the formula for fiction.

    Try writing your elevator pitch. Don't worry if it's too long the first time. It may take numerous rewrites to reduce it to 100 words. Be brief and compelling. And remember CAPA is here for our members. Let us know if you have questions or if you want to try your pitch with a friendly audience.

    Trevann can be found at:

    Join Trevann at Living After Midnight for a free story!

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